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Stevie Nicks - The Wild Heart (1983)

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Stevie Nicks - The Wild Heart (1983) Empty Stevie Nicks - The Wild Heart (1983)

Mensaje por Admin Mar Oct 09, 2018 8:44 am

The 2nd Stevie Nicks's álbum, of 1983.
El segundo album de Stevie Nicks, de 1983.

01 - Wild Heart
02 - If Anyone Falls
03 - Gate And Garden
04 - Enchanted
05 - Nightbird
06 - Stand Back
07 - I Will Run To You
08 - Nothing Ever Changes
09 - Sable On Blonde
10 - Beauty And The Beast

Stevie Nicks - The Wild Heart (1983) Stevie12


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Fecha de inscripción : 18/01/2018

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